Monday, March 31, 2008

Granola's 1st Day of Getting Totally Spoiled

Mom had an appointment today in Frisco. She's healing up very well. We got a gift card for Target from Aunt Margeret so we went and used that and a bit more to get Granola all kinds of nice things, ranging from pants to diapers. Mom also had some extra money on her Old Navy card so we went and picked out a handful of super cute clothing items for Granola. Pictures will be coming in the next few days. It was a fun drive home with a 50 car pile-up on Vail Pass, some say the worst they have ever seen. We only had to deal with the back up and slow drivers going around through Leadville. What a relief getting home and just relaxing. Daddy got spit up on pretty nicely for the first time today, fun.

Friday, March 28, 2008

1st Bath @ Home

Granola got her first bath at home this evening. She was not impressed, and she even puked all over herself afterwards. Fun was had by all. She does look good in green.

Thursday, March 27, 2008

Help Granola Save For College

So we set up ads at the bottom of the page through google. If you have an extra couple of minutes after reading each blog click on one and then click through a couple pages. It will only be a few cents each time (no cost to you)but it will add up if everyone does it everytime they read the blog. Thanks for the help and enjoy todays pictures.

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

2 Week Check Up

Granola's 2 Week check up was today. She is up 6 0z. from her birth weight which is unusual but great. Her O2 levels are 100% so hopefully next week she will be able to get off of that. All is well and she is doing great. Can you tell by that look on moms face?

Day 1 Alone with the Baby

Yesterday was our first day alone as a family. We survived and Granola did great. We really enjoyed the time with Grandma Dixie and Grandpa Bob but it sure is nice to have the house to ourselves again. My parents will be flying in from NY next Friday, super excited that they will be able to spend time with their granddaughter before she gets too big. Granola would like to wish here Aunt Queen B a very Happy Birthday and she can't wait to meet you.

Monday, March 24, 2008

Lazy Days, So More Pictures

In an effort to keep mom happy we're trying to get photos of Granola in all of her outfits. 2 so far today.

Granola Canola

Grandpa headed back to GJ today. Short visit but great for Granola to meet her Grandpa at such any early age. Granola's 1st Easter came and went. We had a nice meal with Grandpa and that was the extent to which we celebrated this year. We've got a 2 week check up on Wed. we're really hoping that Granola will not need her O2 anymore. Its not a bad thing, just been a pain in the butt constantly putting it back in her nose. And more pictures for everyone who is unable to visit quite yet.(Hint: Nancy..we're ready for you.)
The close up photo is kind of scary, but I think its funny. (ok I'm at the end of my 2 night shifts and lacking sleep)

Sunday, March 23, 2008

Grandpa's Here

Granola got to meet her Grandpa today. She has been super nice to mommy lately. She pooped, p'd, and spit up all over mommy the last 24 hrs. Granola even had her first projectile poop yesterday. I missed out but I guess it went from changing table over to the door, sweet.

Friday, March 21, 2008

More Pictures

The family said bye to Grandma today. Grandpa is coming up tomorrow to visit. Granola is doing great other than the dry skin here and there. Mom & Granola got some good alone time today while dad went to work. They were snoozing when I got home. Granola's 1st Easter is tomorrow, a day to rest hopefully.

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

1 Week Old

Some pictures from the past week. Granola got her weight up for the follow up appt. with the Dr. We were happy. She even got her first package in the mail the other day from Aunt Nancy. She loves it and it fits perfect.

Monday, March 17, 2008

Granola's 1st St. Paddys Day

Today was Granola's first doctors visit. We met with our Dr. who just happens to live in the same neighborhood as us. Sweet for us bad for her. Really nice lady and we're happy to find someone up here so we don't have to drive 45 mins. to the doctor. She's lost some weight so we have her eating alot for another check up tomorrow. She was great on her first road trip to Frisco so mom could get her staples removed.

Sunday, March 16, 2008

Our Little Reindeer

How cute is this outfit? You got to stay warm in Leadville when its 19degrees outside. Is she really giving me the finger?

Saturday, March 15, 2008

Some Pictures of the Family

Back Home

So we headed to the hospital around 2 am Wed. morning. Mom was fully dilated by 11. Unfortunately Granola did not want to come out, so mom had to have a c section. Everything went well and we had a nice 3 night stay at the hospital. Everyone was super friendly, and helpful. Our favorite was the German Nurse Andrea. She was absolutely amazing to say the least. We got the clearance to come home Sat @ 10:30am. Granola is transitioning to her new home and sleeping soundly. We love her so much. Can't wait til everyone gets to meet her.

Welcome Baby Naava

Mom, Dad, Baby and Our Delivery Nurse Amy