Saturday, September 27, 2008

Some More Pictures

How's this for catching up on Photos???

In her Wedding Outfit
Thanks Aunt Nancy

With Mom in Breck

With our Friend Ashlyn

Getting Snooty in Asspen

Back on Track?

Its been a very busy couple of weeks. Family and Friends made it from all corners of the country and Granola was very excited to meet them all. So much so that she finally had to crash out for 14 hours on Saturday. The last of the family headed out on Wednesday this week and then the cleaning began. Granola caught what dad had and still has a little something in her chest, but is doing well. There is so much to say about the previous week but we'll just show some pictures instead.
Goofy around with Aunt Nancy
Meeting Aunt Julie
Our great friend Judith
Grandpa feeding Granola at the Rehearsal Dinner
Yikes, the Family together.
Reading with Grandma Karen
Granola getting sideways to see herself in the mirror
Eating with Grandpa Jim
Uncle Dave, Dad, Grandpa & Granola
Hanging with Great Grandma Velma
Still Smiling even though she's sick.
Sitting with Grandma Dixie
When no one else could feed her Uncle Matt had the touch.
Silly time
Great Grandma Wilma holding Granola for the 1st time.

Monday, September 15, 2008

How's That For Timing

Well, Dad has got a cold. Perfect timing for the upcoming event. Granola is doing great on the other hand. She has been rolling over a lot more lately, even sleeping on her stomach, by choice. Longer naps and bigger meals have also become common with the little one. We've also picked out here first nine signs to learn.
Grandma and Grandpa Gibson should be rolling into town later this afternoon. Then there should be a steady stream of people into Friday. There is still lots to do, and prep for.

Another new Dress
Looking more like Mom
Looking more like Dad

Friday, September 12, 2008

6 Months

Half a year has gone by already in this little ones existence. She had her 6 month appointment today and weighed in at 13lbs. 8 oz., and 26 inches tall. She is growing like a weed. We're getting her to eat some more solid foods. She enjoys carrots, peas, bananas, apples, and prunes so far.
Sleeping in her swing.
Dad made her another hat.
Hanging with her 3 new Ugly Dolls, Ox, Plunko, and Peaco.
Mmmm Carrots.

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Check Out Our Weather

We added a weather widget to our blog to let everyone know how cold it gets up here sometimes. Its at the bottom of the right hand column, and if you're reading this in the a.m. hours you should definitely check it out. I've seen low 30's already and yes we have seen 20's too.Gearing up for those cold temps.

My First Blue Jeans

Here's another new outfit, including her first jeans, mom was excited to get those for her. Granola has been sitting up on her own lately in very short periods before she tips over. Pretty fun to watch. Thanks to her activity center she can stand holding the side of her crib all by herself for longer periods now. Also exciting but means walking is around the corner. Scary.
This sweater was in the little boys section but we felt the colors were gender neutral, she has a pink onesie and socks on, oh and her ears are pierced. Its funny how many people still call her a boy even in full on pinks??
I don't understand our camera, her hair never looks red in person.

Monday, September 8, 2008

Finally Some Black

Its not easy finding black for babies, Granola's getting ready for the upcoming Holiday, sporting her cutest black outfit.

Saturday, September 6, 2008

Just You 2

Granola is becoming very fond of mom and dad, maybe too much. She has been fussy with everyone other than us. We sure hope she cooperates with the visiting family in the coming weeks.