Saturday, January 31, 2009

Pictures From the Past Week

Thanks for the new poop can Grandma Dixie!!

Back to the Snow

We're back home and the sun came with us. Temps are still below zero at night but the days are nice. Granola was able to get out sledding in the front yard yesterday, and enjoyed it this time.
She likes the sled.
Just enjoying the outdoors.
Sledding with Dad.

Junction Trip

Our trip to Gj was short and sweet. We were able to spend some quality time with Great Grandma Velma and that was the main purpose of the trip. Granola had a fun time.
Having some dinner with Great Grandma Velma.

Playing in the newspaper basket.

Monday, January 26, 2009


Here are some random pictures from the past week.

Window Washer

While Granola was looking out the window she wanted to lick her reflection. She would start from face level and slide down the window. Pretty humerous to watch.

Uncle Dave

Dad and Uncle Dave headed to Aspen for the X-Games on Thursday giving mom her first full day alone with the babe. She had a great time.
Stealing Uncle Dave's drink.

My Reflection

We've allowed Granola a little more freedom to roam lately. She loves to look out the sliding doors.


Granola had a handful of first steps yesterday. She made 3 or 4 attempts that included 3 small steps towards dad. She has been standing all on her own for well over 30 seconds also. Look out Grandma Velma, she's coming to get you this week.
Granola had her first pasta dinner with us a couple nights ago. She really liked the rotini pasta and the mess it provided.
How's that for a funny picture?
Enjoying her pasta.

Decisions, decisions.


Uncle Dave showed up for a short visit this past week. Granola enjoyed spending time with him very much. She giggled a bunch and even showed him some first steps.
Snacking on dads cell.

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Just Being Cute

She wrapped the scarf herself.
Trying on a new hat design, not baby sized.

Monday, January 19, 2009

Getting Closer

Granola may have had her first step last night. She was hanging out on the couch with us and turned and made one quick step towards me before she fell to her bottom. Her one handed walking is more commonplace, look out Uncle Dave, who will be arriving Wed.

Saturday, January 17, 2009

Play Date

Granola had her first play date at the house this week. Her little friend Charlotte, who was born the same day, came over. Granola is a little bigger so she was throwing her weight around a bit. She had a great time and enjoyed the company.
Granola and her friend.
Showing off her new claps.
Being silly.

Thursday, January 15, 2009


Just some photos for today, enjoy.

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

10 Months Past

Granola hit the 10 month mark yesterday. Still growing and achieving new milestones every week. She has been cruising around one handed lately. No steps yet, but close. Mom was finally able to get a picture of the little one's teeth. We had to crop it because Granola looked pretty silly in the original.Align Center
Enjoying eating by herself.
Yummy baby cheesy poofs.
And the teeth.

Sunday, January 11, 2009

Happy Claps

Granola has learned how to clap in the last couple days.
Standing all by herself.
Looking outside, for what, only she knows.
Getting ready to head out for a quick sledding.