Friday, August 28, 2009


The Playset

We finished the playset last weekend and the babe loves it. We are very pleased with how it turned out. Here's a few pictures to start, with some video to follow.

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

The Big Slide

On her third time down the spiral slide Granola decided to take it by herself. She has gone down in all directions solo.

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Inside Slide

Granola's slide arrived the other day for her playset. We decided to let her give it a test run inside. She was happy and it seems like it will hold up.

Keeping Up With the Jones'

Or the Deusenberys. You always get new ideas from other parents, we saw our little friend recently on her blog eating some corn so we figured to give it a try. Granola loved it. She finished the entire half cob. Her second attempt wasn't as successful, but a good effort was put forth anyway.

Monday, August 17, 2009

Random Shots

Here's some photos from the past couple weeks, including a meltdown on the way to the pool. She was better once we got there.

More Park Time

Visit to the Cousins

Ok, the visit happened awhile back but what can I say. Granola had a blast. She absolutely loves her cousins. We had the worst drive ever with the babe. She just wanted to scream and holler almost the entire 4 and a half hours of driving. It was harsh to say the least. Note to self...bring ipod and headphones next road trip.A quick 20 minutes of silence for us.

Sunday, August 16, 2009

Some Pictures

Getting Up

Granola has been enjoying putting herself up on things lately.

Saturday, August 15, 2009

Oh Yeah, August

Granola is growing like crazy. Picking up lots of new words everyday, and becoming more agile/daring. Her outdoor play set is currently under construction and should be ready by next week. Its looking pretty amazing so far.