Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Its Pat

Dad's college roommate Pat came by for a visit this weekend. Granola took to him like an uncle. She had a great time especially when they had a contest to see who could do the most push ups.


Normally Granola hates stickers, but on this day she was loving them.

Monday, January 18, 2010


Granola found a new way to relax on the couch.

Ice Skating

Granola could not get the hang of skating. She just moved her feet way to fast, at one point she slowed it down but just got way to frustrated. She settled on being pushed around by mom.


Sunday, January 17, 2010

Hot Springs

The weather has been sunny and warm lately. We decided to head down to BV and the hot springs. Granola had a great time, soaking for over an hour. Mom and dad were a bit jealous, Granola held Uncle Joels hand twice that day, she rarely holds our hands.

How Cute

Dancing with her Baby

Sunday, January 10, 2010

The Last Few Days

1 Proud Papa

Granola could not be quiet about skiing today, so we headed out front for some play time. She did great again on the skis. I think the boots kind of bother her because we never last long. Today after we put on her normal boots we decided to try the snowboard out. She loved it and again was able to stay upright on her own. I was so proud. We sledded around a bit and called it good. Oh yeah, she had her first number 2 in the potty today, again proud.
Shredding the chicklet 90 cm.

Thursday, January 7, 2010


Granola got out in the front lawn for her first ski experience the other day. She did absolutely amazing. She was able to stand on her own and even skate around a bit.