Saturday, April 24, 2010


Granola is not afraid to get a little tricky on her four wheeler. She will ride standing on the seat also.


Thanks Grandma Dixie and Grandpa Ron for the random toy. She loves it, more indoors than out currently.

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Copper Mt.

We had to get Granola out at least one more time to the mountain this season. She did amazing. She mastered the magic carpet,took 2 runs on her skis, and 1 run on her snowboard. She then had to take numerous laps up the carpet and just run down the hill, forwards and back. Granola has been enjoying walking backwards lately. Kind of funny to watch. Here's a short video of her riding the carpet.

Sunday, April 11, 2010

The Girls Dancing

Playing with Mattie


The girls playing their last night together.

Saturday, April 10, 2010

Sliding and Counting

Around the Block

We took some walks around the neighborhood, the girls had fun splashing in puddles and playing with the snow.

Crashed Out

Granola during nap time.

Friday, April 9, 2010

Playing Outside


We made it to the pool for an evening of swimming, which was nice. I forgot to take more pictures.

Cottonwood Hotsprings

We took everyone down to the hot springs for a soak. There weren't many options for the girls but they made due with what was available and had a great time.


These girls really enjoy each others company.

Easter at Home

After the egg hunt we headed home for some dinner and egg coloring. Here's a picture of what the girls woke up to Easter morning, spoiled of course.


Granola has been infatuated with the book Gram got her for xmas. She has to have it read to her a couple times, then she needs to do it herself. You can tell her favorite part is when Gram wishes her Merry Christmas and tells her she loves her. It is so sweet.

Easter Day at Copper

We headed down to Copper Mt for the states largest egg hunt. The girls had a blast even though it was crowded. Some parents are pretty cut throat out there, I watched an employee specifically roll two eggs to each girl, and some little boy came over and snaked one right in front of them. Humorous. They were both a little intimidated by the Easter Bunny.


Granola received a birthday present from her cousins while Mattie was here. She gets so excited about opening her gifts lately.

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Matties Visit

Our friends from NY arrived late last Saturday. Since then we have been busy playing and visiting some local spots. I will try to catch up on the blog soon. Here's a quick teaser.