Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Learning How to Ride

Granola is starting to learn how to stop herself and turn on her snowboard this season. I have a feeling she will have it by the end of the March.

Playing in the Snow

It has been a dry winter so far. Granola is making due with what little snow we've gotten.  She was jumping on the tramp face first in the snow, kind of funny.

Friday, November 2, 2012

First Run of the Season

Opening Day 2012

Granola had fun at Copper Mountain's opening day this year. She took 3 runs over at the magic carpet and even took a long run off the Eagle lift. She finished the day off by throwing ice around at the pond where she boats in the summer.

Thursday, November 1, 2012

Happy Halloween

Granola was a Unicorn this year, she had a great time at her school party and enjoyed trick or treating. She carved her own pumpkin, which turned out really well.