Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Mom & Her Crazy Ideas

Mom wanted some footprints of Granola so we subjected her to her first art project. Not too messy but she required a bath afterwards. Handprints were not happening.
The Project.
Guess who?
After the project.

Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Yeah, Not So Much

So Granola went back to her old sleeping pattern for daddy. Up every 3 hours or so. We have a painting project for Granola today, so we'll try and get as many pics as possible. Is 7 weeks to early to be painting a bathroom? Here are some fun pics from last night and this morning.
Bedtime, In hopes of a full nights rest.
Serious Granola, seriously full.
Another Smile!!!
We'll call this a smile too.
Granola showing off her pink sweater.

Monday, April 28, 2008

A Change Coming...(Please)

Granola slept for a good 7 hour stretch last evening. These nights always happen when dad is at work. We're hoping with her age and timing she may be switching over to full nights of sleep, we'll see what this evening brings. We're going to try and update the blog daily this week since Aunt Nancy is needing to see more pictures to keep her spirits up.

Sunday, April 27, 2008

Growing Fast

It was a bit chilly last evening. In the single digits again, so we were able to get Granola in an outfit that was nice and toasty. Its funny, we tried bringing her home from the hospital in this outfit but it was way too big. It fits her fairly well now, she sure has grown a lot in the last 6 1/2 weeks. We went for a walk around the neighborhood today and Granola just slept it away in her Snugli.
Granola's very 1st Leadville certified outfit from Grandma Dixie.

Mom & Granola

Friday, April 25, 2008

More Pictures From the Week

Mom & Dad spoiled Granola with some new outfits, it was the beary big sale, how can you pass that up?
Another new outfit.

Living in Leadville, Not Much Happens

Its been awhile since the last post. Not much to say. Mom still has something in her throat and Granola is doing great. Her sleep patterns and eating habits have been pretty inconsistent the last few days. She just hit 6 weeks so possibly in a transition phase.(Sleep through the night please) The snow is melting steadily and temps have been in the 40's. Mom was released for full physical activities. She's excited and has been working off some of those baked goods.

Thanks for the blanket Grandpa Gibson
We were trying to get a picture of Granola smiling. She smiles a lot but it is elusive to the cameras eye. Here are some close ones.

Sunday, April 20, 2008

April 20, 2008

Temperatures have soared into the upper 40's lately, and the snow has been melting fast. Granola is doing well, while mom still has a little bug. Here are some new outfits thanks to a good friend of moms and some fun shoes sent out from NY from Dad's friends.
Does she look like a Granola or what?

Her 1st hat finally fits, somewhat.
It was Dad's turn to pick out her clothing today.

Friday, April 18, 2008

GJ Part 3?

Some more pictures from the GJ Trip.
She loves her Grandma Dixie
Sleeping with Great Grandma
Sleeping in Grandma's Chair

GJ Part II

Who would think that Granola would still be getting spoiled? She came home with 2 bags of new clothes(thanks to moms friends, we can't wait to post pictures of some of the outfits) and a stack of books from Grandma Dixie. Granola loves her books, thanks Grandma. She also got a playpen handed down from her cousin Aiden. Mom has been feeling better today so hopefully it was a quick little something she got.
Our Little Ninja
Mom sleeping with Granola on the drive home.

If we could be twins? Where did dads hair go? He lost it at Cost Cutters but we were able to donate it to Locks of Love, so if you see someone with hair like dads, it may be???

Thursday, April 17, 2008

Back From GJ

Granola took her first road trip this week. We went and visited family in GJ. She enjoyed the ride home, not so much going there. Mom unfortunately picked up a bug and is a little under the weather. We're trying as many natural remedies as possible, staying positive, and she's feeling better. Granola was able to go without her O2 the entire trip. That was nice.

Grandpa Ron
Great Grandma Velma
Cousin Shasta

More pictures from the GJ trip will be posted soon.

Saturday, April 12, 2008

1 Month Old Already

Today Granola turns 1 month. Time flies when there's a little one around.

Friday, April 11, 2008

Spit Up, Poo, and You

This week has been fun. Daddy was able to go to Copper Mt. a couple times before they close this weekend. Granola has been spitting up a lot but nothing to worry about. Adult sized gas is also frequent with her lately. Kind of cute and super funny. She also went for her first walk around downtown Leadville in her Snugli. She did really well except for a little screaming at the bank.

Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Grandma & Grandpa Return Home

Grandma & Grandpa left for NY today. Granola got a lot of good time with them while they were here. We were very happy they made it out when she was so young. 4 weeks tomorrow, where has the time gone?