Tuesday, April 1, 2008

April Fools Day

While shopping at Safeway one of our favorite cashiers gave us another huge bag full of baby garb. She's super sweet. We talked poo about how spoiled Granola is and it seems like she gets something new everyday, whether it be a package in the mail or some clothing from a local acquaintance. While going out this evening to get some firewood, low and behold another package addressed to Granola. A book called "Fancy Nancy", can you guess you sent that? Thanks Aunt Nancy, we really appreciate all the reading material. So here are some pics of the new clothes. She spit up minutes after the fun pink hoody.

Super cute suit we picked up at old Navy.

Can you believe those pants mom put on her. They go up to her chest. Dad made her change into the green pants which fit much better.


Aunt Nancy said...

Dear Naava: Plaid is my favorite color, so I was very happy to see this morning's pictures.

You really are very pretty and I'm not just saying that because you look like a Gibson! Your daddy was sort of a pretty baby. I didn't know your mom, so don't know about her.

My friend at work, LeeAnn, is very sad that you have oxygen. I tried to explain about where you live, but she's still feels bad for you. She thinks you look beautiful, too. LeeAnn is have her second baby in June.

Fancy Nancy is an entire series of books. Expect more!


Anonymous said...

Way too cute. Love the pink hoodie. Give miss Naava Faye Hugs and Kisses from all of us.

Grandpa, Wendy and Jeremiah