Saturday, May 31, 2008

1st Warm Weekend

Granola has been hanging outside with Dad today while he does some yard work. She seems to enjoy the fresh air.

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

New People

Granola's Uncle stopped by Monday for a visit. She was upset when he arrived but was very happy and stared at him intently before he had to leave for work. She was very excited and happy to have met her uncle. Our very close friend just came back from Germany and met Granola yesterday. She brought Granola her first swimsuit, we're going to try and get to the pool this week. Should be interesting.
Granola with her uncle.
She sure likes smiling.
She is so adorable.
Hanging with Mom

Sunday, May 25, 2008


Granola getting used to being on her stomach, and the crawling position.

Sleepy Time

Saturday, May 24, 2008

Memorial Day Weekend

Well, it has been awhile since the last post, Dad apologizes for slacking. Granola will still be on her O2 for a little longer, but I can think of a lot worse things to be on other than air. This week she has been working on crawling and holding her monkey rattle. She progresses a little bit each time she tries.
Action shot in the Swing
Smiley Face
Finally getting into some summer clothing.
Mom always working, even on her days off.
We have such a Happy baby.
Granola got her 1st toy box this week, thank you so much Aunt Nancy. Its almost full already, including books.

Sunday, May 18, 2008


She just can't stop smiling these days.

That is one serious baby.


Grandma Dixie and Grandpa Ron came and visited this weekend. Granola was not put down for a single second, and she loved it. Thanks for the meals and groceries. Granola sat with us at the dinner table for the first time and she also went out to eat for her first time. She has her sleep study coming up on Monday, so hopefully she will get off her O2. The weather has finally been warming up in the upper 50's, so we're trying to transition Granola over to outdoor activities, mainly short walks for now.
Hanging at the dinner table.
Grandma comforting Granola
She sure missed Grandpa Ron
Mom got lots of smiley swing pictures.

Sleepy Baby
Enjoying her Bumbo for the first time.
Dad was with her the whole time, so no worries of falling off the table.

At Granola's Dr. this week we figured out where she was developmentally, and she is a couple months ahead in certain aspects. We are working with her constantly, learning new things to help her along the path of genius.

Thursday, May 15, 2008

Dr. Update

We have an amazing little girl. She got her first 4 immunizations today and only cried while they were administered. She hung out with dad and just went right to sleep even being hungry. She has grown a little over an inch now standing 21"(Closer to 22") tall. Granola is weighing in at 8lbs. 13 oz. now which is little over 1 pound/month gain. The other measurement was her noggin and that grew sn inch and a quarter, we weren't joking around before. She sure is growing steadily.

Hanging at the Dr.s

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

2 Months and Going

Granola was 2 months on Monday. She has her check up tomorrow. We'll update again on her progression.
Smiley Face
Granola is learning to play with her monkey rattle this week.

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Biggest Storm of the Season

We woke up to about 4 inches of snow this morning. It has not stopped all day and we have at least a foot of fresh snow on the deck. This is the most it has snowed in one storm all winter long and its the middle of May. You got to love Leadville, hopefully Granola likes the snow when she gets older.

Someone's Happy about all the snow.
A little fussy.
A small bald spot.

Sunday, May 11, 2008

Happy Mothers Day!!

Granola wants to wish her Mother a very Happy Mothers Day!! She hopes you have a great day at work and can't wait until you get home for a surprise. There have been some very positive changes happening with Granola this past week. She was able to sleep through the night on a couple of occasions, and has been a very happy baby during bath time. Her 2 month check up is this week so we'll have an update on her growth. Mom & Dad would like to wish their Mother's a Very Happy Mothers Day!!

Good Morning Sunshine.
Going out on the town with Dad.
This picture is for Aunt Nancy. Granola is in the middle of a long machine gun gas release. How cute? We love our Toots Jr.

Thursday, May 8, 2008

If April Showers Bring May Flowers Then....

What do May snow showers bring? Cold temperatures in Leadville, I guess. Here are some pictures from the previous few days.

Wednesday, May 7, 2008

8 Weeks

Granola is closing in on 2 months fast. We got lucky and she slept from 10-6 last evening. We're hoping it will continue but taking it as it is. Today is Mom's Friday so Dad will get a bit of a break the next couple of days.

Cute smile, but look at her tummy, she's getting bigger.
Another cute smile and thanks to Marisa for the jacket.
There's a smile hiding under there.
She's been smiling a ton lately making it easer to get pictures.