Granola's Uncle stopped by Monday for a visit. She was upset when he arrived but was very happy and stared at him intently before he had to leave for work. She was very excited and happy to have met her uncle. Our very close friend just came back from Germany and met Granola yesterday. She brought Granola her first swimsuit, we're going to try and get to the pool this week. Should be interesting.
Granola with her uncle.
She sure likes smiling.
She is so adorable.
Hanging with Mom
Dear Naava: Your cousin Anne is coming to visit my on Friday. We're taking a Sex and the City tour. Here's what we get for $130 each. (I know that's pricey, but it's Sex and the City.) So, we get on a van at 3:30--right by the Plaza and visit 40 places that were featured on the program. Like we go to the Magnolia Bakery and get a cupcake and go to Perry Street to see her stoop. Probably we'll go over to Long Island City and see the Silver Cup Studios where it was actually filmed. We have supper and then the movie and afterward a club. Well, please, we don't be doing the club. They're billing this deal as 10 hours. Anne and I are old and tired, so will definitely be going home after the movie. Anne's very excited!
As soon as you're old enough, don't worry, you and I will do any special thing you want. Definitely we'll be have lunch and getting our hair done at the American Girl Store and we'll be going to Radio City for the Christmas Show and of course seeing the tree at 30 Rock! The Toys R Us Store in Times Square has a ferris wheel.
Are you old enough yet? I'm waiting!
Granola, you just get more beautiful every day! What a pretty smile. I'm so glad you got to meet your Uncle Joseph. He's a pretty nice guy - - and he has a lot of experience with little girls (you have four little girl cousins, you know!)
Tell your Aunt Nancy I am so envious - - I'm such a HUGE Sex and the City fan - - what a treat to get to take that tour.
I hope you and your daddy are having fun day together. I love you all very much.
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