Tuesday, June 24, 2008

GJ is Hot

Our trip to Junction went well. Granola slept the entire drive, both ways. That helped a lot. It was the first time she experienced 90+ degree weather. It was warm. The wedding was nice and mom looked beautiful in her dress. Grandma Dixie spoiled Granola with lots of fun things, including swim diapers, a baby Einstein DVD, and a super fun activity mat amongst other items. Thanks Grandma. When we left to come home it was 96 degrees and a cool 46 when we arrived.


Aunt Nancy said...

My dearest Naava: Please try to keep your tongue in your mouth. Sticking it out isn't very attractive.

I get more and more jealous every time I see you with that other family. And that bragging about all of those new gifts is very unbecoming and at the same time a challenge. I was on the Upper East Side last night and window shopped at a very high end store made especially for you. It was closed, so I had no opporutnity to make a purchase, but you and your needs are always on my mind!

You'll be hearing from me.


Aunt Nancy said...

And, could it be? Is your hair red? Your Great, Great Grandma Sadie had red hair!


Anonymous said...

Beautiful pictures of Naava with her Grandma Dixie and Greatgrandma Velma, but where is the picture of mommy in her dress? Glad you all had fun. Talk to you soon.


Anonymous said...

Naava Kaya Faye
I sure like that name! If you are interested in red hair,your great great grandfather Atkinson also had red hair. Maybe there is a good chance for you. Love you

Naava Kaya Faye
I sure do like that name.
If you are interested in red hair your Great-Great Grandfather Atkinson also was a red head. I hope to see you soon. LOVE YOU Great Grandma Velma