Monday, July 21, 2008


Granola has been getting so close to rolling over lately, she can now roll from her stomach to back. I imagine any day and she will roll from back to stomach. During our last Dr. visit Granola had her head measured and 60 out 0f 100 baby's her same age have larger heads, so no more fat head comments please, her noggin is average. She is jumping up in percentiles for weight and height. Granola got word that her Grandma Dixie is coming to visit this weekend, so she's expecting to get spoiled(dad too). A minor milestone was reached this week also, we hit 1000 pictures of Granola already. OK there might be 20 or so not of her on that memory card, but we're averaging about 10 pictures a day of her existence.
She's still enjoying the swing.

Her new favorite toy of the week, her giggly uck-a-duck, thanks Rachel.
Such a pleasant little person to be around.
Whenever her duck giggles she's good for a smile.


Anonymous said...

I like the new look of the blog. I can't wait to see you all! Granola, you just get cuter every day - - and yes, I do believe you look more and more like you daddy!

Unknown said...

What a beautiful baby if I do say so myself!!
Getting so big...looking more like your mom everyday.....I like the new blog dad.

Aunt Nancy said...

So Naava, I don't care what the tape measure says, your head, thanks to your father, is inordinately big!

Guess what?!? I got an invitation to your parents wedding so I think I'll show up.

Please work on saying "Aunt Nancy is my favorite." I promise you won't be sorry!


Anonymous said...

I love that duck. Our first little foster baby had one of those ducks and he loved it. It's so funny when that duck laughs and then to see Navva smile and laugh at it too. I remember those days with little Zachie. Give Navva lots of huggs and kisses from all of us. We love you.