Monday, October 13, 2008

7 Months

Granola turned 7 months old yesterday, she's still growing like a weed. We just pulled out a new toy for Granola to play with, thanks Cousin Shasta. It's a bouncer that attaches to the upper door trim, she started bouncing all over and really enjoys her playtime in it.
Granola with her Cousin's Shasta & Calli
Her new toy.

Some bouncy time.
And some nap time.
She sure enjoys meal time now.
Trying to get her sucifier.

Nap time in GJ.
Hanging out with her Great Grandma Velma, we love you and hope you're doing great.


Anonymous said...

Wow, I can't believe she is 7 months old already. Love the pictures. I love the Johnny Jump Ups. Is that still what they call those? Looks like Naava likes it too. How fun!!!

Love you guys!!

Anonymous said...

Wow! Cool new toy! You look like you are enjoying it. I'm glad you got to spend some time with Great Grandma Velma. It sure did make her smile.

Aunt Nancy said...

Dear Naava: Your Great Gram. . . and I. . . think you no longer look like Russel. I'm very sorry to say it, but it seems to be true.

It's nice now to look at pictures and know some of the people.

I think your parents should send me Velma name and address so I can send her a card.