Sunday, November 30, 2008


Thanksgiving was wonderful. Granola enjoyed spending time with her relatives. We had a couple rough nights while in GJ, Granola would just fuss and kick around every half hour or so. She never cried out for attention just very uncomfortable. Mom noticed her 2 front bottom teeth had broke through the morning we left. That would explain the rough nights. She has been great ever since, just some minor discomfort. There would be pictures but its almost impossible to see yourself, let alone get a picture of. Once those chompers come all the way out there will be pictures. Her forward crawling keeps progressing everyday, faster and longer crawls.
We finally got some snow, we're hoping to take Granola out sledding for her 1st time. She has some super burly snowsuits. Granola is getting ready to write her wish list for Santa, so stay tuned.

You can see on her upper lip where her bottom teeth have been scratching.

Her play mat has been transformed to a crawling tube. Thanks Grandma Dixie.

Friday, November 28, 2008


Happy traveling.
Hanging with Grandma Dixie.
Her first Turkey Dinner
A stop to see her Grandpa Bob, she was really excited.
Sitting with Grandpa Ron.

Showing off her first Turkey Day outfit.
Back home and super happy.

Thursday, November 27, 2008

Happy Thanksgiving

Today we will be spending Thanksgiving at Grandma Dixie's in Grand Junction. There will be pictures from the festivities when we get back in the mountains on Friday. We hope everyone has a wonderful day and eats plenty of delicious food.

Sunday, November 23, 2008

En Francais

Granola has been super cute lately, she is starting to give kisses back finally. There's just one thing, when you go to kiss her she slips you the tongue. Its kind of weird, but super sweet.

She gets really excited when she feeds herself.

Video of Granola feeding herself.

Friday, November 21, 2008


Granola's getting better at crawling forward. Mom has been working on it with her a lot. She is starting to feed herself, somewhat. She can pick up and eat the small melt in your mouth baby treats. We made our first attempt at a family day at the mountain. Not good. It so happened that it was Granola's nap time and she would not sleep unless she was in her car seat(back at the car). Mom got some needed time on the hill, then we headed home, Granola sleeping the whole way there.
It seems Aunt Nancy has proposed a challenge to Granola. A different x-mas sweater everyday of Dec. until the 25th. She now has 4 Christmas outfits (not sweaters), so she's a little short of the 25 days needed. She just got her red velvet dress and striped stockings in the mail, thanks Nancy. I don't think we can make it a new outfit everyday but if she gets some more we can recycle every week or so.

Someone got stuck in reverse.

Headed towards the remote.
With the prize.

Out for another hike at the lake.
After lunch happy time.

Wednesday, November 19, 2008


Granola's eyes are beginning to change a little. They're looking more green, but we'll see. We went for a short hike at the lake yesterday, she seemed to enjoy it despite the cold temps.
Another new X-mas outfit, thanks mom. It seems like she's always in that activity center.
On our hike, dad needs to work on the look back angle. She really likes her new red hoody.

Sunday, November 16, 2008

Bath Time Turn Around?

Today Granola enjoyed her bath. Let's hope this continues. The family headed to the county this week and no surprise but Granola got spoiled. I think we used our entire wedding gift card on books, 6 of them, but she deserves it. Mom had to super spoil her at Carter's with 6 or 7 new outfits also. We would like to thank Aunt Nancy once again because Granola's savings keeps going up. After bath and in some x-mas clothing.
Playing with her new books.
New shoes, new shirt.
Playing with her brush after bath time.

Thursday, November 13, 2008

Two Thirds

Well Granola turned 8 months this week. Still growing and happy.

She enjoys putting her hand in her mouth after every bite.
Someone got a new hat.
She wouldn't take her hands off it for the first five minutes.

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Bath Time

Granola has always loved bath time. Her first 2, she was not impressed, the next few months went great, and now she will not bathe without crying. Oh well, at least we got a clean baby.
Happy after the bath
That's one clean baby.

She loves sitting in the big girl chair all by herself.
I don't know what we would do without her activity center, she spends hours a day in this thing.

Monday, November 10, 2008


Yellow, orange, or blue, I guess she'll take them all. A reminder, November is World Mustache month, or Movember. Grow out that stache and be more aware of men's health. Dad's growing out his stache again, yikes.

Saturday, November 8, 2008

Wedding Photos

Here are some pics from the wedding. Most are with Granola since its her blog.
Great Gram Gibson
Hanging with Dad
The whole family??
Four generations, look out.
Our 3 beautiful nieces with the Ministers daughter Ashlyn.
Grandpa Gibson
My favorite pic, our Nephew Aiden, the perfect seat.
Grandma Gibson


Granola started holding her own bottle today, with more control, and when she drops it she can grab it and put it back in her mug.Holding her 8 oz. bottle.
With her 4 oz. juice
The cat actually fell asleep with its nail stuck in the blanket like this.
Bad hair day?