Friday, November 21, 2008


Granola's getting better at crawling forward. Mom has been working on it with her a lot. She is starting to feed herself, somewhat. She can pick up and eat the small melt in your mouth baby treats. We made our first attempt at a family day at the mountain. Not good. It so happened that it was Granola's nap time and she would not sleep unless she was in her car seat(back at the car). Mom got some needed time on the hill, then we headed home, Granola sleeping the whole way there.
It seems Aunt Nancy has proposed a challenge to Granola. A different x-mas sweater everyday of Dec. until the 25th. She now has 4 Christmas outfits (not sweaters), so she's a little short of the 25 days needed. She just got her red velvet dress and striped stockings in the mail, thanks Nancy. I don't think we can make it a new outfit everyday but if she gets some more we can recycle every week or so.

Someone got stuck in reverse.

Headed towards the remote.
With the prize.

Out for another hike at the lake.
After lunch happy time.


Anonymous said...

Granola sweetie, I love your one-armed push up! Wow are you ever athletic! Ask you dad to bring to e-mail that picture to me or grandpa. I've tried to copy it off the blog but it is grainy. I can't wait to see you this week. You've grown so much!

I love you very much!
Grandma Dixie

Aunt Nancy said...

So Naava, I just saw the one-armed pushup too! Attagirl!

Let me help you with the Advent challenge. You can wear the stockings one day and then a green sweater another day. Just change it up! You should definitely save the velvet dress for Christmas day. I don't think you'll be at your Great Gram's house, but nonetheless, surprise those other relatives of yours!

My challenge is the days that I have serious business to conduct. . . like I have to go to the board chairman's house for cocktails one night. What do I do? Not wear something Christmasie or what? I may wear sparklie.

Being a fashionista is so difficult!