Friday, February 20, 2009

Face Plants

Granola gave us a couple good scares lately. Last night she upset herself to the point of almost passing out from holding her breathe. Today she took a nice nose digger into the coffee table. At first it looked like she broke it. She has a nice bruise across the bridge. Granola did not let that spoil her day though. We headed to Avon and did some shopping and she had a great time.
Happy Time after Home Depot
Showing of her bruised nose.

Another new thing for Granola, walking and drinking by herself.


Family_Dauk said...

Poor baby! Boo feels her pain though. She's barely dodged stitches on 3x now. She looks so cute walking and drinking. I really can't believe how big she is.

Aunt Nancy said...

Well! Combat wounds! Sorry, but what I'm most interested in is the picture of the back of your head. I couldn't be more surprised at the amount of hair! I've been waiting to see more.

Excellent job, Naava! Attagirl!


Aunt Julie said...

what a girl.
Great-Grandma Gibson might come to my house today, if she does I will show her your new pictures

Anonymous said...

I'm so sorry you bonked your little nose! I'll bet that hurt a lot. I love you lots, sweetie.